Tuesday, March 27, 2018


rest payload max limit

spring boot rest api


spring boot angular json example

Spring boot exception handling

debugging json

freelancer guide

contribution required

  1. apache
  2. JSR
  3. shopizer
  4. eclipse
  5. firefox
    1. mdn
  6. tomcat
  7. spring
  8. hibernate
  9. android

Monday, March 26, 2018


Spring Security



debugging in browser

domain modellig techniques

Saturday, March 24, 2018

enabling enum inheritance

date time formatting


  1.  JPA
    1. mapping inner class
    2. mapping inner interface
  2. save data in database
  3. apply dynamic fileds functionality in registration
  4. accept the values into collection
  5. save the values in database
  6. validation
  7. check for duplicacy
  8. type conversion
  9. all the form should be populated with values from database. not the present case where values are hardcoded.
  10. applying sms gateway 
  11. mobile verification through otp
  12. apply reactjs
  13. apply redux with reactjs

dynamic field creation

doubt is out

  1. accepting multiple values e.g mobile numbers in to a collection

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

java 9 features

java version release history

blogging guideline

showing the newly created page on blogger

  1. pages
  2. new page
  3. publish the page
  4. Layout
  5. cross column
  6. edit 
  7. select the newly created page
  8. choose save

git error

solving programming problem speedily

  1. remember God
  2. pranayam
  3. write down the summary of the problem
  4. split the problem into milestones
  5. achieve one milestone at a time
  6. note down the sample input and output
  7. use white plain paper for dry run
  8. use pencil and rubber for dry run
  9. use meaningful variable names
  10. write down what should happen on each milestone or event
  11. dont exceed time limit
  12. always check or test the code for compile time error and run time error and prescribed time limit for compilation
  13. never give up till last moment
  14. results dont matter but efforts do
  15. note down the lessons you learnt and your shortcomings
  16. work on your weakness
  17. https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-mathematical-background-necessary-for-competitive-programming
  18. https://www.quora.com/What-are-some-must-know-topics-in-discrete-math-and-probability-for-competitive-programming

Monday, March 12, 2018

Password policy enforcement for Java


enterprise service bus mule

json to java




Java Companies

  1. oracle
  2. google
  3. amazon
  4. apache
  5. red hat
  6. ibm
  7. sap
  8. thoughtworks

reactive programming



Project related questions

  1. user defined annotation
    1. payload
  2. what is the use of dto?
  3. validation
  4. type conversion

spring cloud

Saturday, March 10, 2018


  1. each web page has separate dom
  2. dom has dynamic property attached to elements
  3. https://css-tricks.com/dom/ 

current problem

  1. html
  2. css
  3. javascript
  4. json
  5. bootstrap
  6. jquery
    1. parse.JSONresponse.error
    2.  $post
    3. $each
    4. event.preventdefault
    5. window.location.href = serverContext + "login?message=" + data.responseJSON.message;
    6. $.each( errors, function( index,item ){
    7. /*<![CDATA[*/
    8. /*]]>*/ 
    9. th:inline="javascript"
    11. $(":password").keyup(function(){
              if($("#password").val() != $("#matchPassword").val()){
    12. .fail() method
      1. is it chaining ie fail getting called after post?
    13.  https://api.jquery.com/deferred.fail/
  7. flow of execution in jquery
  8. javascript debugging
  9. jquery debugging
  10.  setting breakpoints in jquery


Thursday, March 8, 2018



  1. Microservices is an approach to application development in which a large application is built as a suite of modular services. Each module supports a specific business goal and uses a simple, well-defined interface to communicate with other sets of services.
  2.  Microservices must be independently deployable, whereas SOA services are often implemented in deployment monoliths. ... So, SOA is an architectural pattern in which application components provide services to other components. However, in SOA those components can belong to the same application.
  3.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microservices

Wednesday, March 7, 2018


  1. https://icpc.baylor.edu/ 
  2. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/prepare-google-kickstart/
  3. https://www.quora.com/What-is-a-good-way-to-prepare-for-Google-Code-Jam 
  4. https://code.google.com/codejam/resources/problem-preparation
  5. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/google-code/0mzXncavvtM 
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klXNkEdR1cY
  7. Good Math is the first thing
  8. Algorithm
    1. Time Complexity
  9. Data Structure
  10. book -> competitive programming
  11. Practice Practice and Practice
  12. learn all the shortcuts of IDE
  13. learn typing
  14. Reasoning
  15. Puzzles
  16. https://fossbytes.com/google-code-jam-2015-heres-everything-you-should-know-to-participate/
  17. https://blog.codingblocks.com/2017/howto-prepare-google-apac-acmicpc
  18. taking coding course at 
    1. Coursera
    2. Competitive Coding Bootcamp. 
  19. regular expression
  20. file handling
  21. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=801835
  22.  https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2228402/being-able-to-solve-google-code-jam-problem-sets
  23.  http://jugglingcode.blogspot.in/2012/06/tipsstrategy-for-google-code-jam.html
  24. techgig
  25. codechef
  26. topcoder
  27. codeforce
  28.  https://code.google.com/codejam/resources/faq
  29.  https://code.google.com/codejam/terms
  30.  https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2228402/being-able-to-solve-google-code-jam-problem-sets
  31.  ACM-ICPC

Angular JS

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

JPA work

  1. caching esp in case of manytomany


  1. JPA
    1. onetoone (targetentity)
      1.  If we did, we would need to specify the type of entity that will be stored in the
        Collection that is needed by the persistence provider. The code is shown in Listing 4-21 and looks
        almost identical, except for the targetEntity element that indicates the entity type.
    2. set vs list to guarantee the uniqueness of elements in collection
  2. validation
  3. cascade
  4. domain modelling correction

spring data jpa one to many example

spring data rest

java finding the run time options related to jre

  1. java -XshowSettings
  2. java -X

Interesting Projects

  1. Finding the originator of a fb post that has gone viral using fb api
  2. deciphering the geo coordinates from ip address
  3. programmatically accessing whatsapp messages and automatically deleting the irrelevant content based on specified criteria and storing the relevant content onto the free online databases and sending their links as email
    1.  https://fileinfo.com/extension/crypt12

Spring boot logging framework


setting jvm options


The Chronicles Of Hanuman

By Shubha Vilas

Spring boot actuator


  1. kernel thread
  2. user level thread

Interesting book to build linux appliance

  1. Linux Appliance Design: A Hands-on Guide to Building Linux Appliances

    By Bob Smith, John Hardin, Graham Phillips

Monday, March 5, 2018


preventing cutting off stack traces

Java Performance Tuning

official oracle java articles

JVM Command line options


database purge vs delete

Optional in Java SE 8

JPA Annotations

  1. https://www.objectdb.com/api/java/jpa/PrePersist
  2. A callback method is a method that we do not call
  3. it is called by the framework
  4.  Prepersist is a marker annotation

Project skill required

  1. Spring data JPA
  2. JPA
  3. Spring boot
  4. Hibernate
  5. MySQL
  6. Spring MVC
  7. Thymeleaf
  8. Spring Security
  9. Jquery
  10. Bootstrap
  11. CSS
  12. HTML
  13. JSON
  14. AWS
  15. Android
  16. CI/CD

Sunday, March 4, 2018

reading aloud a pdf in windows 10

  1. Just double click on a pdf file and then choose read aloud option above 
  2. it will start reading aloud the book

Image editing

  1. adding watermark to an image
  2. adding logo to an image
  3. removing watermark from an image
  4. removing logo from an image
  5. cropping
  6. changing the background
  7. changing the color


obtaining radio button value

We can pass any value through radio button just we need to mention the value in the value attribute

table creation in oracle sql developer tool

Saturday, March 3, 2018


  1. SourceTree 
    1. GUI git tool
  2. Oracle SQL Developer( for interacting with Oracle)

Video Editing through da vinci resolve 14

  1. https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/davinciresolve/training
  2.  terms
    1. bit rate
    2. encoding
    3. transcoding
    4. color correction
    5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMAApAZExSc 
    6. codec
    7. coder
    8. decoder
    9. waveform
    10. pal
    11. ntsc
    12. video formats
    13. converting one format to the other
    14. download the avc video converter
      1. http://www.any-video-converter.com/download-avc-free.php 
    15.  When I converted .avi file of size 977 mb into .mp4 format its size got reduced to 119 mb
    16. when i converted .avi to .mp4 format, it was recognized by da vinci resolve 14
    17. milestones
      1. extracting audio from a video
      2. video cutting
      3. removing logo from image
      4. removing lower/front/right/left part from image
      5. adding logo to a video
      6. mixing two videos
      7. adding text to a video
      8. adding image to a video
      9. adding a thumbnail to a video
      10. adding subtitles to a video
      11. color correction
    18. video editing softwares
      1. after effects or blackmagic design's fusion
      2. premiere pro or da vinci resolve 14
      3. blender
      4. final cut
    19. da vinci 14
      1. timeline
      2. ripple cut
      3. ripple delete
      4. clip
    20. https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/8864/how-to-reduce-the-output-video-size
    21. https://forum.blackmagicdesign.com/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=36717
    22.  http://www.pavtube.com/upload-davinci-resolve-video.html

Thursday, March 1, 2018

import or push to github repository in eclipse IDE

first we need to create repository with github. It can be public or private.
Steps for IDE (eclipse or STS)->
->projects from github
-> clone URI
now copy the clone URI and paste in to box of the IDE
enter the credentials ie user name and password
do not enter any port number
commiting to the github
now make changes in the project
right click and choose team
add to index
enter message and click on commit
We can import public github repository to our own repository. and make it private.
and then import the project and choose clone uri into Spring tool Suite.
if there is any error->
right click on the project and maven -> update project-> force update
make changes in the project
add to index
enter message and click on commit and push

AWS Precautions

AWS beanstalk with rds
while we delete the environments aws creates the snapshots that take up 5 gb each. so I had to pay around 7$ even though I was in free tier just because of this.
So please be careful .
I changed the backup retention period to 0 then all the snapshots got deleted.
and applied the changes immediately

Inventory Management

  1. Plan for every part(pfep)

FB Post

Destination Skill

  1. NoSQL
  2. Microservices
  3. AWS
    1. EC2
    2. Loadbalancing
  4. Github 
    1. Team Working
  5. CI and Jenkins
    1. Travis
    2. CircleCI
    3. Code Deploy
  6. CD
  7. Testing
  8. UML
  9. Algorithm
  10. Data Structure
  11. Profiling
  12. JVM Performance tuning
  13.  Effective Java
  14. Certification test
  15. Maven
  16. Gradle
  17. Android
  18. NDK
  19. Spring 5
  20. Spring Security 5
  21. Spring boot
  22. Spring data JPA
  23. JSF
  24. WebServices
  25. SOAP
  26. XML
  27. DBA certification
  28. MySQL
  29. Queries
  30. CodeJam
  31. CodeChef
  32. Techgig
  33. guru
  34. odesk
  35. upwork
  36. committing to Apache Project
  37. committing to Shopizer
  38. committing to eclipse
  39.  Java Expert group
  40. Groovy
  41. Grails
  42. Hibernate
  43. HTML
  44. CSS
  45. JavaScript
  46. JQuery
  47. Bootstrap
  48. JSON
  49.  geeksforgeeks